About Saddle Up: A powerful journey of learning with horses.

Authentic You - Women's Personal Development Workshop
Reclaim The Woman Within:
A Journey of Self-Discovery!

We have been trained by the world-renowned Equine Connection - The Academy of Equine Assisted Learning Inc, who certifies all over the world through the Academy of Equine Assisted Learning BuildingBlock™ course. You will see Equine Connection instructors in the videos provided, these will give a better understanding of the value of our programs and workshops.
Be True. Be Authentic. Be You.
Since the beginning of time women have been nurturers. They ensure everyone is loved, fed and safe. But who looks after them? Life is so busy that it’s too easy to forget yourself, your hopes, your dreams, what makes you happy and brings you joy. Women wear so many hats, but they prioritize themselves at the bottom of the totem pole in terms of looking after their own needs. This scenario tends to lead to dissatisfaction, demotivation and a lack of self-worth and self-confidence. Eventually, women start to question who the heck they are!
First, acknowledge you are exactly where you are meant to be right now. Then decide are you ready to take the next step and reclaim the woman within so you can sail over the hurdles of life with confidence, joy, courage, and a pink toolbox of skills to tackle anything that comes your way.
Like all humans, we want to love and be loved, be happy and live with our heads held high free from judgment regarding the choices we make. How the heck do we do that when social conditioning is ingrained in you that it’s selfish to put one’s needs ahead of others? The best analogy to answer this question is the Oxygen mask – place it on yourself first so that you can then assist others. The same analogy applies to your life as a woman, a daughter, a sister, a mother, an employee, a boss, or a friend. Ensuring your basic needs are met is not selfish, it’s called self-care and you are just as deserving of this time, as any other person, to replenish or restore what you need. In fact, I Give You Permission to Take Time Out For Yourself!

Take the first step on your path to happiness and well-being by attending this workshop for women.
This workshop is designed especially for women to help them develop boundaries in their lives and improve communication with family, friends and colleagues. One of the most emotionally challenging things people face is the ability to calm down when we are under pressure (fight or flight response).
Learn how to confidently say, “No”!
Learn practical and effective steps to re-gain control of your life! Be bold, be striking and go where you have not gone previously!
OUR HORSES GUARANTEEWhen I teach you, I will never judge you! I will never lie to you! I am a teller of truth as that is ONLY what I can do because of my brain! I will bring love and healing to your heart! I will offer you a way to smile, giggle, and have FUN!! This learning I promise to you doesn’t just stay in the arena, this learning you will transfer into your own life!
WHY HORSES?To be prey is to be vulnerable. Their job is to not be killed. The number #1 thing a prey animal needs to feel is SAFE! A horse's senses are highly astute and can tell in a moment when thoughts from the mind and feelings from your gut are off. They can hear our heartbeat, and they will react to the slightest changes within a team; allowing facilitators to find those “teachable moments” for your organization. Horse movements are linked to emotion. Horses are the most feeling of beings so use their intuitive vs thinking, as humans do. They are just like us - sort of. Movement is the key to a horse, primarily forward movement. Everything about staying alive involves forward movement, which parallels us, humans. Herds to horses are just like teams to people. Horses require a leader to trust, respect and keep them safe, just like we appreciate having in the workplace. This gives us the ability to parallel everything that happens to real-life situations so that what you learn really sticks within each human! Quite simply, the horse does the teaching; facilitators are only there to offer an explanation and provide guidance as you work through the solution. Working with horses creates memories that can be applied to our lives and retained far longer than sitting in ‘just another classroom.’ This program offers lasting change because you can't fool the teacher!
WHAT IS EQUINE ASSISTED LEARNING?Equine Assisted Learning is a learner-based educational, experiential experience with horses. More specifically, it is an effective approach to human development that encourages individual and team growth. Participants engage in objectively driven exercises. They find themselves learning valuable life skills in a fun and exciting atmosphere while working with horses. Exercises are developed to encourage self-confidence through validated, hands-on experiences. Equine Assisted Learning has proven to be useful, powerful, positive, educational, and creative.
IS THIS EQUINE THERAPY?We focus on skills that help participants move forward in life, such as how to communicate feelings more effectively by using verbal and nonverbal communication tools. While our horse-assisted learning programs help participants learn how to interact effectively with others, improve self-confidence, and build problem-solving and decision-making skills, it is NOT equine therapy. Equine Assisted Learning works because the teachers are the horses!
Isn’t it time that we invested our money into our insides and built those skills that are authentic to us?

What's Included In This Life-Changing Workshop?

Your personal success guide and direction book

NON-RIDING equine assisted learning sessions

Mid-morning snack & beverage with your horse

Communication Assessment

Equine-guided meditation and mindfulness session

Craft your own intent bracelet
Start your journey of self-discovery today!
Our workshops are not meant to be quick fixes, but rather a process through which you learn about yourself.
The horses are living creatures whose honesty cannot be disputed. Horses can see through the chaos and help guide us to who we really are. The connection with them will help you find those authentic parts of yourself that have been hidden away and guide you to live in tune with whom you want to be and who you are.
Women generally spend a lot of money on others or sometimes just on the outside of themselves. However, when do you ever consider spending money on your emotional and mental wellbeing? Doesn’t it seem worth the investment in yourself - to know that what you do and say every day is sincerely coming from YOU, and not anyone else? That is where the true beauty of who you are exists!
It's time to take action and give yourself permission to Reclaim the Woman Within!

Our horses can guarantee you...
When I teach you, I will never judge you!
I will never lie to you!!
I am a teller of truth as that is ONLY what I can do because of my brain!
I will bring love and healing to your heart!
I will offer you a way to smile, giggle, and have FUN!!
This learning I promise to you doesn’t just stay in the arena, this learning you will transfer into your own life!
Workshop Length:
*time may change due to season
The Focus Is You!